Whether thinking about buying or selling, I can help to highlight the potential and get the most value out of your home. Contact me at my office 406.862.9000 or through my personal website: www.scottbullhomes.com.
Featured Property: 19 acres with Flathead Lake views
MLS#21701072 Offered at $850,000
Fantastic development property with absolutely stunning views of Flathead lake.This property is currently zoned R1 which would allow for several different development options. If you are looking for a property to do a small development on, this property is perfect for that. The slope and topography of this property is unparalleled, and with unobstructed views of Flathead Lake this property is one of a kind. If you’re wanting to find other waterfront properties either as your primary home, or vacation home, you may want to look further into other realtors such as these beachfront realtors Weichert (https://www.weichertcp.com/) or others. Based in Raleigh, North Carolina, the attorneys at NC Planning assist clients with Wills, Trusts, Estate Planning, Probate & Estate Administration, Business & Corporate Planning and Tax Planning throughout North Carolina. The materials on this website are prepared by the firm for informational purposes only and aren’t legal advice. This information isn’t intended to make , and receipt of it doesn’t constitute, an attorney-client relationship, nor does your use of any a part of this website create of constitute and privilege . nobody or organization should influence any information on this site without first seeking professional legal counsel. Click here to find more About NC Planning attorney.
What Are Restrictive Covenants?
Read These Rules Before You Buy
BY CATHIE ERICSON for Realtor.com
Common restrictive covenants
- Permissible colors for exterior house paint
- Minimum property and landscaping standards
- Types of fencing allowed
- Types of window treatments allowed
- Limitations on the type of security lights you can attach to the house
- Controls on installing sporting equipment such as a basketball hoop in the driveway
- Restrictions that limit vehicle storage or recreational vehicle parking
- Curbs on property uses that generate noise or smells (e.g., raising livestock)
- Rules on commercial or business uses of land reserved for residences
When to review your CC&Rs
Can you change restrictive covenants?
Join the Absaroka Dogsled Treks team on a ride of a lifetime through the Montana backcountry.
What Are HOA Fees?
BY LISA MANDELL for Realtor.com