Nikki’s fondness for people inspires her to go above and beyond the expectations of her clients. Her main objective is making others happy and that is why real estate has become more than a profession–it’s a passion. Let Nikki help you with the next adventure in your life, whether it’s finding a home on the golf course or selling your cabin in the woods. 406.212.8507.
A Whitefish History Lesson
Photo provided by Stumptown Historical Society.
In the mid-1850s, a group of trappers working the Flathead Valley’s rivers, lakes and streams for beaver and other pelts came upon a group of Indians pulling a native fish species – Whitefish – from a long, narrow lake … and suddenly, after tens of thousands of years, the lake had a name! There are three main reasons that people fish; the first is for the love of the sport, the second is for food for their families or others, and the third is to sell what they catch for profit. Depending on the reason that you are fishing, you may or may not find it necessary to use modern technology. By researching some of the most recent fish finder reviews, you may come to better understand if these electronic products are for you. Many fisherman blogs and articles veer away from supporting the use of these devices. This is because these people are fishing for sport, so often times recreational fishermen feel that using electronic fish finders is somewhat like cheating. Many say that for them it takes away from the excitement and chase involved in the hunt.
Though trappers, traders and waves of westward immigrants passed through the area during the second half of the century, it wasn’t until 1883 that the first permanent settler – John Morton – built a cabin on the shore of Whitefish Lake, just west of the mouth of the Whitefish River. Morton was joined by the forefathers of the local logging industry – including the Baker and Hutchinson brothers – in the early 1890s. Logging crews “boomed-up” their logs behind a dam built at the river mouth by the Boston & Montana Commercial Company, which – when opened – created a rush of water that helped float the logs down the river to Kalispell.
Crews laying track for the Great Northern Railway entered the Flathead Valley from what is now West Glacier in 1891, and initially followed a route through Columbia Falls and Kalispell, then west through Idaho and Washington to the Pacific Ocean. But the route west of Kalispell included a difficult climb over the Salish Mountains … a steep and tortuous grade winding slowly up one side, then just as painstakingly down the other.
Featured Property – Montana Farm and Ranch Land
275 Lodgepole Road, Kalispell, Montana
MLS 21710429 Offered at $5,750,000
Remarkable acreage along the Stillwater River and within a quick, gorgeous commute to Whitefish or Kalispell. Currently has canola and alfalfa crops with pivot irrigation and water rights. Beautiful meadow area near river with pond potential. Continue as a crop income or build your dream home with amazing views and easy access to acres of State land.
More info and more photos…click here or call Nikki Marengo at 406.212.8507 for your private showing of this fabulous property.
Whitefish Adopts Affordable Housing Plan
City council approves ‘road map’ to add hundreds of workforce housing units by 2020
The Whitefish City Council on Monday adopted a blueprint to guide the community as it grapples with an affordable housing crisis, while members of the public and city leaders emphasized the need to put the plan’s recommended strategies into swift action.
According to a workforce housing needs assessment released in December 2016, middle-income, working-class Whitefish residents have limited options when it comes to finding comfortable, cost-effective living arrangements, a problem that is displacing locals and forcing them to live outside their chosen community — 56 percent of Whitefish’s workforce lives in neighboring communities, 34 percent of whom would prefer to live in Whitefish.
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