July is an exciting month for REALTORS hear in Northwest Montana. Our annual NMAR Charitable Foundation golf tournament is Friday July 19th at Village Greens Golf Course in Kalispell. The theme this year is Hello Hollywood! Along with our affiliate members and friends we have a blast playing a 4-person scramble and raising money for our foundation. This tournament is our largest fundraiser of the year and last year we raised over $8,000.
NMAR Charitable Foundation is a 501 C3 nonprofit organization that supports kids, housing and hunger in Northwest Montana. All donations go directly to our communities with no administration fees. Here are some of the programs and organizations we supported or continue to support from last year. Boys and Girls Club ($10K), Heart Locker ($10k) Childbridge ($6k), Flathead School Snacks ($3k), Foodbanks from Pablo to Libby ($12k in 2018), Christmas for Kids (approximately $9K every year) & Child Development Center ($2,500 each year).
This year we are creating five special raffle baskets, one from each community in our area: Whitefish, Columbia Falls, Kalispell, Bigfork and Lakeside to Polson. We hope to have a total value of each basket at around $1,000. Whitefish’s raffle basket is a (Whitefish Culinary Experience) basket with the following donations already in. $100 Whitefish Lake Restaurant, $100 Tupelo Grille, $100 Ambruzzo, $50 Latitude 48, $50 Craggy Range, $50 Mambo’s, $50 MacKenzie River Pizza and more to come.
Raffle tickets are available for anyone prior to the middle of the tournament and are $5 each or 5 for $20 and you do not have to be a REALTOR to purchase them. Tickets are available now so call me to purchase and let’s raise some money for our kids and our communities! Thank you!