Jessica owns and manages Integrity Property Management. If you are in need property management for your residential or commercial property, call Jessica today! For a list of available residential and commercial properties to rent or lease in the Kalispell area, follow this link: www.integrityrentalsmt.com
Featured Property: Custom Home between Kalispell and Bigfork
1011 Victory Lane, Kalispell, MT 59901
MLS #21610785 Offered at $479,000
What Are Restrictive Covenants?
Read These Rules Before You Buy
BY CATHIE ERICSON for Realtor.com
Common restrictive covenants
- Permissible colors for exterior house paint
- Minimum property and landscaping standards
- Types of fencing allowed
- Types of window treatments allowed
- Limitations on the type of security lights you can attach to the house
- Controls on installing sporting equipment such as a basketball hoop in the driveway
- Restrictions that limit vehicle storage or recreational vehicle parking
- Curbs on property uses that generate noise or smells (e.g., raising livestock)
- Rules on commercial or business uses of land reserved for residences
When to review your CC&Rs
Can you change restrictive covenants?
Join the Absaroka Dogsled Treks team on a ride of a lifetime through the Montana backcountry.
What Are HOA Fees?
BY LISA MANDELL for Realtor.com
How much are HOA fees?
What is an HOA reserve fund?
What is an assessment?
What happens if I can’t pay the HOA fees?